VectorBuilder について

VectorBuilderは、遺伝子デリバリーテクノロジー開発・受託製造のグローバルリーダーです。VectorBuilderは、世界中の何千ものラボやバイオテクノロジー/製薬会社から信頼されるパートナーとして、ラボベンチから患者のベッドサイドまで、ライフサイエンス研究から臨床に至る遺伝子デリバリーのニーズを、ワンストップでご提供します。  内容を表示

メンケス病遺伝子治療薬が FDAオーファン医薬品に指定
VectorBuilderがHurun Research Instituteのグローバルユニコーンインデックスに掲載されました
VectorBuilderと創る未来を語る | ラーン博士の基調講演
VectorBuilder プレスリリース


VectorBuilder ユーザーの声
山崎 洋人

山崎 洋人


A few years ago, I started new project where I need to use plasmid and did not have any skills to prepare it. VectorBuilder was best place to ask preparing the our designed plasmind and plasmind worked well. Without VectorBuilder, our project cannot get any progress!!

Dr. Hideki Endo

Dr. Hideki Endo

Astellas Pharma Inc. /Modality Research Labs

Rich selection of epitope-tags and promoters help you quick design custom vectors. I no longer waste my time to look into such information. VectorBuilder's design portal is convenient and useful. (各種のタグやプロモーターが揃っており、選択も容易なため、それらの配列を自身で調べる手間がなく便利で助かっています。)

山本 聡

山本 聡


I ordered gene synthesis and expression vector construction of the viral L protein (>6000 bp) to the VectorBuilder. I'm satisfied with their turnaround time and price compred to similar service provides. I will definitely use VectorBuilder again for my future projects.(ウイルスLタンパク質 (6000bp以上)の発現plasmidの合成と構築をお願いしました。他の会社と比較しても納期、価格ともに満足できるものでした。 また機会があれば是非利用したいと思います。)

Manabe Yuki

Manabe Yuki


The system is very easy to design, even for beginners, with links to explanations of technical terms. I am satisfied with the price, and would definitely use this system again in the future. (直感的で使いやすいサイトになっているため、簡単にベクターをデザインすることができました。また、用語解説なども同時に閲覧することができ、大変勉強になりました。)

原 弘真

原 弘真


I’m a repeat user of their AAV production service (virus packaging). VectorBuilder manufactures and delivers high quality AAVs stably. I also notice the production turnaround time is shorter. Just a reminder, the material transfer from the Japan office to the overseas production facility happens once a week, therefore I recommend you communicate in advance about a transfer schedule to avoid an additional week on-hold. (AAV作製サービス(ウイルスのパッケージング)のリピートユーザーです。 安定して高い品質のAAVを納品していただいています。 作製期間も短いと思います。 注意点としましては、顧客手持ちのプラスミドDNAを使った受託ベクター構築サービスを選択した場合、国内拠点から海外の製造拠点へのプラスミドの転送は週一回だけのようですので、タイミングが悪いとプラスミドが最大1週間国内で停滞します。 急ぎの場合は、国内拠点に転送日を確認したほうが良いと思います。)

Evgenia Salta

Evgenia Salta

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/VIB, Belgium

VectorBuilder has been the partner every researcher would wish for during those dark moments of paper revision. They offer the complete package: a wide range of viral vector design options, an extremely user-friendly and intuitive website, direct communication, personal and knowledgeable step-by-step guidance throughout the designing and ordering process, accountability, amazing discounts, unique customer support, fast shipping, and guaranteed virus titers and efficiency. So here’s my big thumbs up for a great product and service provider who has proven indispensable in addressing my research questions!

Frank Borriello

Frank Borriello

Alloplex Biotherapeutics, USA

VectorBuilder has provided incredible value and customer service throughout the entire process from product selection, custom design assistance, order submission, status reports and ultimate delivery management. The custom products I purchased from them performed exactly as advertised and in fact surpassed my expectations. I would recommend VectorBuilder to anyone requiring this type of product.

Orlando Chirikian

Orlando Chirikian

University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

It has been a great experience working with Vectorbuilder! Their assistance has helped me concentrate on answering biological questions rather than dealing with the hassle of cloning. Vectorbuilder's friendly representatives and timely delivery make the processes easy.

Mike McDonald

Mike McDonald

Maavrx Ltd, UK

I readily recommend a Vector Builder. My company has used them to produce research great plasmids and AAV vectors. They are helpful and responsive and have always delivered on time and on budget.

Ying Lin

Ying Lin


We do frequent new vector design and creation for our products. I ordered several custom vectors from Vector Builder using their evolutional platform. That platform is easy to put my gene interested and indicator. They synthesis, sequencing my genes to verify their sequence no mistake and make plasmid for me. Everything is wonderful. More important is the vector expression at high level to meet my requirement. I really recommend to use Vector Builder as your vector designing and creating candidate.

Saeed-ul-Hassan khan

Saeed-ul-Hassan khan

Quaild-i-Azame University, Pakistan

The services provided by VectorBuilder are excellent. I had a few vector constructs made by the VectorBuilder. The description of the constructs by their software is excellent. The technical team of the company seems to have a sound knowledge and the technical suggestion regarding vector construction given to me by them were excellent.

Dr. Keisuke Hitachi

Dr. Keisuke Hitachi

Fujita Health Univ.

I ordered the cloning of a large gene (about 6 kbp) to the plasmid. VectorBuilder provided the construct with a correct sequence at a reasonable price. So I strongly recommend VectorBuilder's services for cloning of large genes.
(サイズが大きい遺伝子(約6 kbp)のクローニングと発現ベクターの構築を依頼したところ、ベクタービルダーでは、正しい配列のコンストラクトを安価に作製してくれました。サイズが大きい遺伝子の発現ベクターの構築には、ベクタービルダーのサービスをオススメします。)

VectorBuilder のユーザーはここに
VectorBuilder Customers' logos. VectorBuilder Customers' logos.
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